Hackney Greens Local Election 2018 Manifesto

Vote Green for an active opposition for Hackney: Putting people first!

This manifesto is also available in PDF format.


A Green voice on the Council would ensure a robust opposition on critical issues where people need to come first. We will challenge Hackney Council to take more ambitious local action and create a prosperous sustainable future for all. 

Green councillors would:

  • Scrutinise the Council’s budget and policy proposals and challenge plans for cuts and privatisation in health and social care
  • Support the Council where we think they are doing the right thing
  • Publish all Freedom of Information requests and responses on the Council’s website.


Electing a Green Party Councillor would bring a fresh voice into Hackney Council, a voice that will:

  • Drive for a local economy which puts people first
  • Hold the Town Hall to account to deliver on their promises
  • Promote equality and diversity
  • Protect our environment and our health.

1. Provide affordable, decent homes

Insist on 60% Truly Affordable Housing on Developments

  • We will hold the council to account for a higher proportion of truly affordable housing to rent and buy in new developments, and insist on an analysis and definition of what this really means.

Improved Social Housing Protections & Transparency

  • We will increase protections for private sector tenants, such as through mandatory licensing for landlords, support for renter's unions, and creation of an 'approved landlords' register.
  • We will highlight available housing through an empty properties register and promptly issue empty homes notices to get them back into use.

Action for Hackney's Homeless Citizens

  • We recognise that there are many homeless people living In Hackney who are being ignored. We will:
  • Work with expert organisations and community groups to develop effective prevention programmes and support services
  • Promise not to treat homeless people as second-class citizens.
  • Review hostel services, and pledge not to introduce Public Space Protection Orders.

2. Driving a thriving local economy

Reducing the Pay Gap: a Living Wage for All

All workers deserve a living wage and when people have more money, local businesses will benefit.
We would work to:

  • Extend the Living Wage Employer policy to all council partners and suppliers, campaign for all large employers to join, and help smaller businesses to find ways to pay the living wage.

Create a Hackney Wealth Fund - a Voluntary Tax to Support Social Initiatives AND Investing in Jobs, Small Businesses & Artists

The Council is one of Hackney's major employers and has the potential to make a greater contribution to local employment and skills. Green councillors will:

  • Push the Council to award contracts to local businesses
  • Press for changes to planning rules to provide affordable spaces for small shops, independent businesses and local artists and tradespeople
  • Increase the number of start-up hubs offering shared space and services, and flexible, affordable spaces for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Create a Hackney Wealth Fund - a Voluntary Tax to Support Social Initiatives AND Investing in Jobs, Small Businesses & Artists

3. Promoting equality, building healthier communities

Reducing Discrimination, Promoting Equality & Diversity

The Green Party is proud of London's diverse history and culture and we will:

  • Continue to fight for equal rights for women and for BME, LGBT and disabled people and tackle the inequalities they continue to face.
  • Reaffirm the contribution that refugees, asylum seekers, and economic migrants make to Hackney.

Health & Wellbeing

We will make improving the well-being and mental health of all people in Hackney a priority. We will:

  • Support and push for mental health and well-being initiatives and services developed with communities.
  • Push for better cycling and walking provisions, and develop plans to make cycling safer for families.
  • Air pollution: Support Hackney's low emissions. Work with local residents who have experience and creative ideas around clean air and bring the 'Breathing Cities' campaign to Hackney.

Criminal Justice

The more that people have a stake in society, the more communities flourish and the less we suffer crime and anti­social behaviour. Green councillors will look to:

  • Expand Community Policing Teams.
  • Support and fund community-led solutions to serious youth violence.
  • Support specialist support services to help those returning to the community from prison.

4. Investing in good education for all


  • We will protect and support Hackney's schools and oppose cuts.
  • We will oppose state schools becoming unaccountable academies.
  • We will work to ensure child are safe, protected and able to thrive in Hackney.

Youth Services

  • Help projects apply to the new youth fund from the Mayor to support local projects to support young people.
  • Support excellent youth services in Hackney and improve opportunities for young people.
  • Work to involve all young people in local democratic decision making and encourage their participation in the decisions that affect them.

Reinstate Education Maintenance Allowance

  • We will investigate funding to reintroduce EMA for students meeting eligibility criteria allowing to continue their education.

Oppose SEND Cuts

  • We will oppose cuts to SEND services and look to change the funding formula to ensure Hackney's disabled children get the support they need.


Green Council

  • We'll create a bold plan to radically reduce the council's environmental footprint, with aim of achieving zero waste, lowering carbon emissions and eliminating use of harmful chemicals.
  • We will divest Hackney Council from Fossil Fuels and the arms trade.
  • Support community efforts to promote sustainability and reduction, reuse and recycling.

Protect Green Spaces & Encourage Biodiversity

  • We will oppose loss of green spaces to development and protect Hackney's parks.
  • Support improvements to biodiversity and the greening of estates through community gardening.

Expect More from Developers

  • We will make sure that developers are held to high environmental standards and provide community benefits, include public water fountains, recycling and safe walking routes and cycling facilities in all developments.

Innovation & Local Talent

  • Hackney is full of people with great ideas, and we'll launch an accelerator fund for local innovators and enterprises to get their sustainable business ideas off the ground.


You can read about the Green Party's national manifesto here.

You can also read our 2016 Hackney Majoral Election manifesto (pdf).