Come and join us at the Hackney Green Party AGM on the 13th July at 7:30pm.
Why do we have the AGM?
- So our current committee members can report on the work we've done in the past year
- To elect people to core team roles
- To vote on a proposed change to our constitution
- To agree strategy and goals for the coming year
Before the business part of the meeting (8.30pm - 9.30pm ) we will be joined at 7.30pm by two local activists from Save Ridley Road, who will tell us the latest about their campaign and answer our questions.
Ridley Road Market in Dalston boasts over 150 stalls and small shops selling vegetables, fabrics, home wares and other products from around the world, and is home to several artists’ studios. The road is popular with local residents and shoppers from all over London and beyond. After almost 150 years of trading, the market, the livelihoods of the vendors and artists, as well as the wider community they help sustain, are under threat by Hackney Council’s plans to develop the area and support the construction of exclusive housing units.
Ange King was born in Hackney. She worked as a youth and community worker with G.L.C (Greater London Council) , ILEA ( Inner London education authority) and C.C.S.S (Camden Council social services). Brutal job cuts to these services by the Tory government led her to change her career path to silversmithing and especially ethically sourced jewellery. Missing working and being part of her community, Ange joined forces with a teacher friend to set up a community exhibition space in a railway arch in London Fields, Hackney, called The Lott ( Local Occupants Trying Tings). There she discovered she felt most wholesome being active in her grassroots community where she grew up. She is also part of the Re-live a Zero Waste community hub.
Tamara Rabea Stoll is a photographer/ artist working from Ridley Road Studios, on the second floor of the Ridley Road Shopping Village. She moved to Hackney in 2009 and started photographing Ridley Road Market in 2011. In 2019, she self-published ‘Ridley Road Market’ through crowdfunding. The publication includes photographs by Hackney Archives, Rio Tape/Slide Archive, traders’ family albums and personal photographs, as well as her own photographs and a set of Ridley Road Market Postcards. For the publication she recorded oral histories of market traders and shoppers on a market stall in 2017, swapping Ridley Road Postcards for stories of the market. The book is available at Party Party, 9-13 Ridley Road, in return for a donation to the Save Ridley Road campaign. She joined Save Ridley Road in 2018.
We will also hear from our Councillor candidates about how they plan to win next year's local elections.
We're recruiting for core team roles, including as job-shares/shadowing the existing person. If you have any questions about what’s involved, or if you want to put yourself forward for a role, contact Stefan on [email protected].
It will be an informative and inspiring evening, preparing us for the year ahead and a great opportunity to meet and get to know fellow members better.
Due to ongoing Covid restrictions, the meeting will be held online by Zoom.
All members are reminded of the Safeguarding Commitment and Code of Conduct which they agreed to upon joining the party.
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please ask a parent or guardian to contact the organiser (details below) and sign a consent form.