Join our co-coordinator, Stefan, on Thursday 8th to explore how BEST to Get Involved as we explore our Target to Win strategy.
Suitable for all members this training session is a great way to get an overview of each part of our campaign plan.
Under the awful system of First Past the Post we need to focus our efforts where they matter most to secure Green seats for Hackney.
We hope that you will feel both inspired and ready to join us in taking action to help get Hackney the Green voice it needs.
Please RSVP below to see joining instructions.
**This event is one of a short series of training events to build our capacity and win councillors in the local elections in 2022! Every hour of support you can give really makes a huge difference to what we can achieve together. See the events page for more ways to Get Involved!
All members are reminded of the Safeguarding Commitment and Code of Conduct which they agreed to upon joining the party.
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please ask a parent or guardian to contact the organiser (details below) and sign a consent form.