Join our third Data Party in the run up to the Council elections on 3rd May! We made fantastic progress in the first two, having entered all the outstanding door knock data, this time we've got a bunch of 60 Second Surveys filled out by Hackney residents that we reckon we should be able to get done in one evening.
We'll be entering the responses from paper surveys into an online form, simple! Bring a laptop or tablet and join us. If you don't have a laptop or tablet, let us know and we can find one for you.
Food and drinks will be provided (probably pizza).
Please RSVP below.
See you there!
All members are reminded of the Safeguarding Commitment and Code of Conduct which they agreed to upon joining the party.
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please ask a parent or guardian to contact the organiser (details below) and sign a consent form.
3 Belgrave House
217 Queensbridge Road
London E8 4DU
United Kingdom
Google map and directions