Policy and Ideas Forum - Youth Policy

Our regular monthly Policy and Ideas forum meetings are an opportunity for members and others to contribute to and discuss local party strategy and to understand and inform our policies.

We are delighted to announce our speaker for this month's forum: Sally Zlotowitz, Clinical & Community Psychologist, CEO of Art Against Knives and Hackney Green Party member (Hackney Downs target candidate in 2018).

Sally and her colleagues will talk about their charity's collaboration with pioneering youth organisations and Liberty (human rights NGO) on a new report 'Holding Our Own, a guide to non-policing solutions to serious youth violence'.

The guide responds to the demands of young people themselves. It is part of a campaign with multiple demands - with a focus on reducing harmful policing of young people and their communities and calling for investment in local, safe, healing-centred and racially-literate spaces for young people after devastating cuts. The campaign also calls for the support of developing community-based solutions that allow young people’s friendships, communities and cultures to flourish and institutional changes to our education system and drugs policies.

There will also be a presentation by Voyage Youth, a Hackney-based social justice charity. Voyage Youth will describe their work with socially disadvantaged and excluded youth, explaining how they empower and enrich the lives of young black people.

At this forum, we will discuss how we can take this guide forwards as community members, Councillors, residents, within our neighbourhoods and across our borough.

We welcome new Greens, regulars of the Hackney Green Party and non-members who are interested to find out more.

The venue is fully accessible with an accessible toilet.
There are bike racks outside the venue.
Tea and coffee and some snacks will be provided.

All members are reminded of the Safeguarding Commitment and Code of Conduct which they agreed to upon joining the party.
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please ask a parent or guardian to contact the organiser (details below) and sign a consent form.

Wednesday 2 August 2023 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Rhodes Estate Community Hall
Kirkland Walk
London E8 3SY
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

Will you come?

Please RSVP to add it to your calendar and see joining details.