The Age of Consequences film fundraiser
The 2018 council elections are just around the corner. Hackney Greens have the opportunity to elect someone willing to fight for a cleaner, fairer Hackney – but we need to reach voters across the electorate and inspire them to vote for change.
Help put together a strong campaign by attending a film fundraiser on the 25th November at Castle Cinema, an independent film house in Homerton.
The Age of Consequences investigates the impact of climate change on increased resource scarcity, migration, and global tensions through a U.S. military lens. Described as ‘The Hurt Locker meets An Inconvenient Truth’, the documentary looks at how water and food shortages, drought, and extreme weather act as catalysts for conflict in volatile regions around the world.
We will have a guest speaker to introduce the film and the bar will be open after the screening so you can grab a drink and meet your local candidates.
RSVP now and invite as many friends and family as possible to give the election campaign a vital boost and help turn Hackney Green.
First floor 64-66 Brooksby's Walk
London E9 6DA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions