Virtual Phonebank - Help get Greens elected!

On Thursday 2nd July, we will be running a Virtual Phonebank, where we call up Green Party members and ask whether they are able to undertake a short survey about the local issues in their ward.

This will help us to gather information on voters' attitudes in every ward across Hackney, which means we can focus our volunteers' energy on campaigning in the wards where we can win!

All of the information and material that you need will be provided, just be sure to RSVP below and we will send you the link to our online virtual phonebank!

This is a great way to get involved in helping Greens WIN in Hackney - don't worry if it is your first time, full training will be provided.

See you there!

All members are reminded of the Safeguarding Commitment and Code of Conduct which they agreed to upon joining the party.
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please ask a parent or guardian to contact the organiser (details below) and sign a consent form.

Thursday 2 July 2020 at 6:30pm - 8pm
The meeting will be held online. Please RSVP to see joining instructions.
Matthew Smith · · 07710428507

Will you come?

Please RSVP to add it to your calendar and see joining details.