Hackney Green Party is celebrating its best ever result in a general election in both Hackney constituencies.
19,262 voters cast their ballot for the two Green candidates.
In Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Antoinette Fernandez received 9,275 votes, 22.6 percent, which placed her second behind Labour.
She said: “I am delighted with this result. I had so many positive conversations with residents who wanted to see more Greens in parliament and I am grateful for every vote. I am confident that we will provide a strong challenge at the next general election and in the 2026 local elections in Hackney.”
In Hackney South and Shoreditch, Laura-Louise Fairley received 9,987 votes, 23.9 percent, which also placed her second behind Labour.
She said: “It has been a great privilege to stand for parliament in Hackney and to provide a positive alternative for voters. This is the first time that Greens finished second in this seat and it shows that more and more people want to support us.”
Nationally the Green Party went from one to four seats, winning constituencies in Bristol Central, Waveney Valley and North Herefordshire and holding Brighton Pavilion. The Green Party vote share nationally increased from 2.7 to 6.8 percent, with just under two million voters choosing to vote Green.
In the Cazenove Ward by-election for Hackney Council, Tamara Micner increased the Green vote from 387 to 1170 votes and came third with 22 percent.