Welcome to Hackney Green Party!

Hackney Greens are a friendly group of Hackney residents who work together to represent the green agenda in Hackney, fighting for local issues that affect the people of Hackney.  We are an entirely voluntary organisation with no full time staff, the more of us that get involved, the more we can do, everyone is welcome to help us campaign for a fairer, sustainable society.

  • Latest News

    Hackney Green Party celebrates Stoke Newington by-election win

    Hackney Green Party is celebrating by-election success today as candidate Liam Davis is elected to Hackney Council, winning the Stoke Newington seat from Labour in convincing victory. The last time Greens won a by-election from the opposition in London was in 2008.

    The Green Party secured a decisive win with 1253 votes, against Labour's 945.

    Newly elected Councillor Liam Davis speaking after the declaration of results, Thursday 12th September

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  • Hackney Greens love dogs in Abney Park

    Hackney Greens Statement about dogs in Abney Park and animal welfare position.

    Hackney’s green spaces are precious and we recognise how important our parks, marshes and rivers are for our wellbeing and recreation. The Green Party is passionate about protecting the animals we share this planet with - in the recent General Election we proposed the creation a new Commission on Animal Protection.

    In Hackney, when the council wanted residents views on dogs off leads in Abney Park, Hackney Greens promoted the council's consultation. . Green councillors acknowledged concerns about the lack of space for dogs to express their natural behaviours off-lead and space for dogs to play and be trained in Hackney. We did not come out in favour of banning dogs off-lead in Abney Park.

    Our two Green councillors are in Dalston and Hackney Downs but often get contacted by residents across the borough on important issues - they were contacted about this issue but only by a few residents so waited to see the results from the consultation and committed to making sure the council listened to residents.

    We’re not aware of any councillors of any party speaking out publicly on this issue before the end of the consultation.

    Green Group co-leader Cllr Alastair Binnie-Lubbock said: "Greens listen to residents and push the council to listen. Greens did not endorse the Trust's position. We are an evidence-led Party so we asked for specific evidence that dogs were harming the environment and did not see any.”

    “We listened to dog walkers and we promoted engagement with the consultation. We recognised that there's a real lack of space for dogs to be off lead in Hackney and that this is one of the things that makes Abney Park so special and unique.”

    “We have also listened to residents in Stoke Newington and engaged with the Trust around other issues that the park faces and we advocated on behalf of residents against the Labour administration's events licence application which included very late hours and didn't have a proper event management plan in place."


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  • Upcoming events

    Stoke Newington Action Day - 16th November 2024

    Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 12:15 PM
    Yorkshire Grove Community Hall in London, United Kingdom

    Join us in Stoke Newington as we head out into the ward to knock on doors and tell residents about the great work our Green team are delivering for Hackney!

    We will meet outside Yorkshire Grove Community Hall at 12.15pm.

    During our action day, we knock on residents' doors and speak to residents to get the word out about what Zoë, Alastair and newly elected Liam stand for and listen to their concerns and feedback.

    The team will provide a full briefing and training at the start of the event, and you'll be buddied up with someone experienced if you are relatively new. No need to prepare anything in advance, just bring yourself and some comfy shoes. 

    Send Liam a message if you'd like to find out more before the event or if you have any access requirements. You can also email [email protected]

    We can't wait to see you 🌞

    More Info 2024-11-16 12:15:00 2024-11-16 13:15:00 Europe/London Stoke Newington Action Day - 16th November 2024 Yorkshire Grove Community Hall, 20 Gunster Rd, London, Hackney N16 8HF, United Kingdom Add to Calendar

    Welcome Event for New Members

    Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 06:30 PM · 25 rsvps
    The Old Fire Station in London, United Kingdom

    Welcome to our new members event 


    We are so delighted to have so many new members that we decided to have a special event to celebrate. We would like to welcome you to the party and see if you could help! We would like to listen to your new ideas, so we've created a space for you to meet other new members as well as people who have been involved and organised the recent by-election win. Our Green Councillors will also be there. There will be some food and drinks provided Please, please let us know if you have any allergies


    If you would like a buddy for this event (someone to give you a call & to meet with you before) then do let us know - mailto:[email protected]"

    More Info 2024-11-19 18:30:00 2024-11-19 20:30:00 Europe/London Welcome Event for New Members The Old Fire Station, 61 Leswin Rd, Stoke Newington, London N16 7 NX, United Kingdom Add to Calendar
    See all events