Welcome to Hackney Green Party!

Hackney Greens are a friendly group of Hackney residents who work together to represent the green agenda in Hackney, fighting for local issues that affect the people of Hackney.  We are an entirely voluntary organisation with no full time staff, the more of us that get involved, the more we can do, everyone is welcome to help us campaign for a fairer, sustainable society.

  • Latest News

    Market fees & charges consultation responses sought

    Cllr Zoë Garbett in Ridley Road Market

    From Councillor Zoë Garbett:

    Street markets are a vital part of Hackney’s past, present and future. Street markets provide low-cost and culturally specific items as well as being vibrant places for socialising and community connection. Street markets are made what they are by the traders who work in them who are able to work as independent, sole traders. 

    Hackney Council are currently consulting on their market fees and charges - with drastic increases being proposed.

    Some traders need low fees and charges so that they can provide low-cost items to low-income communities. I’ve heard from traders that the proposed changes will make this really hard for them to do. 

    The council’s consultation is an opportunity for you to have your say by December 31st. The consultation has a very open question “Please let us know your comments on the proposed Hackney markets, street trading and shop front fees and charges?”

    We have complied some points below from discussions with market traders which you may like to feed into the consultation. Key points:

    • Waste collection charges are stated to have increased by over 140% - this is a huge increase and there is not enough information in the consultation to explain the reason for such a huge increase. I understand from traders that all alternatives have not been explored and that for markets such as Ridley Road, the number of traders producing a lot of waste (e.g. fruit & veg) has decreased - making it unclear why an increase in the charges for waste collection is necessary. The consultation should be halted until all options have been explored and detailed justification is provided for this increase. 
    • Plans to hand down electricity charges to traders - this is at the total price of £154,000, again there is little breakdown of how/where this energy is used - as I understand lights are only used in the winter months. We also need to see what steps have been taken to reduce energy consumption. 
    • Increased in storage chargers - the benchmarking shows that Hackney is the highest and not inline with other boroughs.
    • Some of the charges for council administration increase significantly - we need to see a breakdown of the council’s market team staffing & budget to fully understand activities to be able to judge whether these charges are fair. 
    • Introducing a late payment penalty - this is not in line with an ethical debt collection approach and therefore I do not support it. 

    Given the information above, I do not feel residents are able to make an informed decision about these charges and I also do not think there is enough information about what alternatives the council has explored to bring down costs. Therefore, the consultation should be paused until this information is provided. 

    To justify continued cuts and increases in charges, the Labour Council and Labour Government say there's no money left and tell stories of financial black holes. But there's plenty of money in our economy. This is why Greens are calling for a wealth tax to fund public services. A wealth tax of 1% annually should be levied on assets above £10 million and of 2% on assets above £1bn. Only a tiny minority of people would pay this tax. And could generate more than £50bn. I am taking a motion to Hackney Council to call on the Mayor of Hackney to push for the Labour Government to stop pursuing austerity and implement a wealth tax to fund public services. 

    You have until December 31st to have your say on the Market Fees & Charges. You can access the consultation here: https://consultation.hackney.gov.uk/parking-markets/fac25-26/ 



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  • A Dangerous Decision: Hackney Council’s Missed Opportunity on Pembury Circus

    Pembury Circus. Photograph: Hackney Council

    Last Monday’s decision by Hackney Council’s Scrutiny Panel to dismiss our call-in on the Pembury Circus redevelopment is a profound disappointment and a significant missed opportunity. Despite our compelling case, backed by expert opinion and residents who have traumatic experiences at this junction, the Panel chose to ignore serious concerns about safety, pedestrian access and inadequate cycling provisions, opting against a further independent assessment by Active Travel England, ultimately continuing with a flawed design that puts residents at continued risk.

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  • Upcoming events

    Standing as a Councillor Q&A

    Monday, January 13, 2025 at 07:30 PM · 11 rsvps

    Curious about what it’s like being a Green councillor in Hackney?

    Join us for an informal Q&A event where you’ll get the chance to hear directly from Hackney’s Green councillors about their experiences. Whether you’re wondering what it takes to represent your community, how we’re making a difference locally, or simply what the day-to-day of a councillor looks like, this is your opportunity to find out.

    This event is perfect for new members or anyone keen to learn more about local politics in Hackney. Bring your questions or join to hear others field their own ahead of our approaching candidate nomination openings.

    We look forward to seeing you!

    📅 Date: Monday 13th Janurary 2025
    Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm
    📍 Location: Online, RSVP to get Zoom link by email

    (Email us at [email protected] if you don't receive the Zoom link once RSVP'd!)


    More Info 2025-01-13 19:30:00 2025-01-13 20:30:00 Europe/London Standing as a Councillor Q&A Zoom Add to Calendar

    Green Action Day in Hackney Downs, 11am, Sunday 19 January

    Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 11:00 AM · 5 rsvps
    Green-friendly house! in United Kingdom

    Staying warm this January means only one thing - showing up for positive green vibes!

    Let's take another step in turning Hackney Green 💚 with this sociable Green Action Day.

    💚 Meeting at 225 Evering Road, Hackney Downs at 11am on Sunday 19th January.💚

    We will door-knock in pairs (for those who want to meet residents) - no experience is necessary and there's always an option to deliver leaflets in pairs.

    There will be full training provided and friendly Greens on hand to support every volunteer.

    This essential campaign activity gives us the best chance of getting more Green policies passed at Hackney council, and electing Green Councillors in local elections. The social, climate and ecological crises demands the need for Greens voices in the room. We need your help today.

    If not now, when?

    Please RSVP below. Feel free to bring along a friend or family too!

    More Info 2025-01-19 11:00:00 2025-01-19 14:00:00 Europe/London Green Action Day in Hackney Downs, 11am, Sunday 19 January Green-friendly house!, 225 Evening Rd, E5 8AB, United Kingdom Add to Calendar
    See all events