Welcome to Hackney Green Party!

Hackney Greens are a friendly group of Hackney residents who work together to represent the green agenda in Hackney, fighting for local issues that affect the people of Hackney.  We are an entirely voluntary organisation with no full time staff, the more of us that get involved, the more we can do, everyone is welcome to help us campaign for a fairer, sustainable society.

  • Latest News

    A Dangerous Decision: Hackney Council’s Missed Opportunity on Pembury Circus

    Pembury Circus. Photograph: Hackney Council

    Last Monday’s decision by Hackney Council’s Scrutiny Panel to dismiss our call-in on the Pembury Circus redevelopment is a profound disappointment and a significant missed opportunity. Despite our compelling case, backed by expert opinion and residents who have traumatic experiences at this junction, the Panel chose to ignore serious concerns about safety, pedestrian access and inadequate cycling provisions, opting against a further independent assessment by Active Travel England, ultimately continuing with a flawed design that puts residents at continued risk.

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  • Hackney Green Party celebrates Stoke Newington by-election win

    Hackney Green Party is celebrating by-election success today as candidate Liam Davis is elected to Hackney Council, winning the Stoke Newington seat from Labour in convincing victory. The last time Greens won a by-election from the opposition in London was in 2008.

    The Green Party secured a decisive win with 1253 votes, against Labour's 945.

    Newly elected Councillor Liam Davis speaking after the declaration of results, Thursday 12th September

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  • Upcoming events

    Dalston Action Day - 8th December 2024

    Sunday, December 08, 2024 at 02:00 PM · 2 rsvps
    CLR James Library in London, United Kingdom

    Join us in Dalston as we head out into the ward to knock on doors and tell residents about the great work our Green team are delivering for Hackney!

    We will meet outside CLR James Library (on Dalston Square) at 2pm.

    During our action day, we knock on residents' doors and speak to residents to get the word out about what Zoë, Alastair and newly elected Liam stand for and listen to their concerns and feedback.

    The team will provide a full briefing and training at the start of the event, and you'll be buddied up with someone experienced if you are relatively new. No need to prepare anything in advance, just bring yourself and some comfy shoes. 

    Send Alfred a message if you'd like to find out more before the event or if you have any access requirements. You an also email [email protected]

    We can't wait to see you 🌞

    More Info 2024-12-08 14:00:00 2024-12-08 16:00:00 Europe/London Dalston Action Day - 8th December 2024 CLR James Library, Dalston Square, London, County (optional), County (optional) E8 3BQ, United Kingdom Add to Calendar

    Standing as a Councillor Q&A

    Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 07:30 PM · 11 rsvps

    Curious about what it’s like being a Green councillor in Hackney?

    Join us for an informal Q&A event where you’ll get the chance to hear directly from Hackney’s Green councillors about their experiences. Whether you’re wondering what it takes to represent your community, how we’re making a difference locally, or simply what the day-to-day of a councillor looks like, this is your opportunity to find out.

    This event is perfect for new members or anyone keen to learn more about local politics in Hackney. Bring your questions or join to hear others field their own ahead of our approaching candidate nomination openings.

    We look forward to seeing you!

    📅 Date: 10th December 2024
    Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm
    📍 Location: Online, RSVP for Zoom link


    More Info 2024-12-10 19:30:00 2024-12-10 20:30:00 Europe/London Standing as a Councillor Q&A Zoom Add to Calendar
    See all events