You can help stop this by objecting to this new application.
You can object by sending an email to [email protected] and put this reference in the Subject line: 2022/2952.
Or you can object online by registering with Hackney Council (click here), sign in, go to Hackney Planning (click here), and search for this application using reference 2022/2952.
The deadline is Monday 9 January. If enough people object, the application will have to be decided on by the Planning Committee, not just by one Council officer.
It will only take a few minutes to send in your objection. Please help protect the Nursery by doing this. Thank you.
The Background
For the third time, a 3-storey building is being proposed for the small concrete triangle next to the Nursery School. If the Council grants planning permission, the building will put the nursery’s vital outdoor space into shade for most of the school day, for most of the school year.
The two previous applications for planning permission were refused on grounds of overshadowing: the first by the High Court in 2016; the second by the national Planning Inspectorate in January this year.
The developer has now re-submitted exactly the same design but with a new overshadowing report. They claim that “the development would not have a significant detrimental impact upon the adjacent external learning/play space.”
In reality, the children and staff will face a 9-metre-high wall behind which will be a one-bedroom flat. So, the one or two people who live in the flat will steal the sunshine from generations of children.
In the winter months, most of this precious outdoor space will be totally overshadowed.