Divest Hackney are a citizens group calling for Hackney Council to divest from fossil fuels. The group is part of the global divestment movement and works with other divestment campaigns across London and the UK.
Hackney Council’s £1 billion pension fund includes over £42 million of fossil fuel investments – a dangerous situation both in terms of climate change, and financial risk, when 80% of fossil fuels need to stay in the ground to keep global warming below 2°C.
The campaign is now into its second year, and the council is preparing to carry out a review of the financial impact of fossil fuel divestment. The Divest Hackney team are very active and meet weekly to plan council outreach, petitioning, school visits and other events.
Please support the petition at https://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/petitions/divest-hackney-council-from-fossil-fuels
And you can visit the group’s Facebook page for more details about getting involved. There's also loads more information on divestment on the gofossilfree.org website.