Donate to Hackney Green Party
Hackney Green Party members are hard at work all year round - campaigning on local issues, sweating over press releases, delivering leaflets and canvassing for support in forthcoming elections. But we need cash to deliver our message effectively.
Monthly Donations
Please consider giving a monthly Direct Debit donation. Through this kind of committed support we can plan our campaigns, secure in the knowledge that they are funded.
To set up a monthly Direct Debit choose how much you would like to give:
Alternatively, you can set up a standing order through your bank or download a standing order form here (PDF).
One Time Donations
You can make a one off donation using the form below.
Here's where your money could go:
- £5: You will provide canvassing packs for a team of door knockers.
- £10: You will provide canvassing packs for a team of door knockers.
- £25: This will pay for letters to voters in several streets.
- £50: This can fund activists to travel to Hackney from other parts of London and the UK.
- £100: Your generosity will pay for a staff member one day a week.
- £250: This will pay for a leaflet for a whole ward.
- £500: You will help fund a billboard campaign.
Every pound helps us get our message across and get more Greens elected. Please donate today.