Petition: Don't make Hackney's poorest pay for cuts

We the undersigned call on Hackney Council to scrap its plans to raise the council tax paid by the poorest people in Hackney by up to 80%. This will plunge thousands of individuals and families into poverty and debt. We call on the Council to exempt the poorest people from Council Tax as Camden Council has done.

Hackney Green Party's full Council Tax Reduction Scheme Consultation response

Hackney Citizen: Anti-poverty charity slams Town Hall’s ‘absurd’ council tax proposals

Hackney Gazette: Scrap plans to cut council tax benefit, Labour Party tells Hackney Council as consultation draws to a close

Who's signing

Daniel N E Alexander
Fiona Montgomerie
Jamie McCarthy
Mika S Sellens
Julieanne Richards
camilla c
Samir Jeraj
Paul Urwin
Danny Bates
Kellie White
Alastair H Binnie-Lubbock
13 signatures

Will you sign?