Euro Election Action Day in Dalston

Join us for an action day in Dalston where we are campaigning for the European Elections.

There will be a variety of activities to engage voters and to get our Green message across.

New to Green Party campaigns? This is a great opportunity to come along, find out what we do and get some experience along some more seasoned campaigners.

We'll aim to meet from 10:00am but if you can't come along until later that's no problem, just let us know.

Lunch provided!

You can also RSVP on facebook here.

All members are reminded of the Safeguarding Commitment and Code of Conduct which they agreed to upon joining the party.
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please ask a parent or guardian to contact the organiser (details below) and sign a consent form.

Saturday 11 May 2019 at 10:00am - 1pm
8 Carlisle Walk
8 Carlisle Walk
London E8 3SX
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

Will you come?

Please RSVP to add it to your calendar and see joining details.