General Election 2024

The Green Party welcomes the General Election as the chance for voters to choose hope and practical solutions to the crises facing the country. 

Co-leader Carla Denyer said:  "At last. This is the moment the country has been waiting for – the chance to vote for a different vision of what our country can be."

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: “We are ready. Across the country people will have the chance to vote for a Green candidate offering voters hope and practical solutions to the cost-of-living crisis, supporting people into warm, affordable homes, protecting our NHS and cleaning up our toxic rivers. We are offering the common sense, affordable policies that will dramatically improve our quality of life. More Green MPs in Parliament will hold whoever forms the next government to account, and make the other parties confront the challenges our country faces. Together, we can make the change.” 

The Green Party have released their 2024 manifesto for a fairer, greener country entitled REAL HOPE. REAL CHANGE, you can read it here.

Here in Hackney we have two dedicated candidates. Every vote counts, even in Hackney: the number of votes we get across the country directly determines the amount of media coverage and funding for our MPs’ work that we are entitled to receive.

Support our Crowdfunder

This July we have a critical opportunity to show the major political parties that Hackney voters care about the climate emergency, economic inequality and social justice.  

We are a party powered by volunteers and donations from our members and supporters. Every donation makes a difference, no matter the size. If you can’t donate at this time, there are other ways you can help!

We need your help to spread the word. We want to make sure everyone in Hackney knows that:

  • There is a party that stands for a fairer, greener future;
  • Antoinette is committed to creating meaningful change for the people of Hackney.

If these messages matter to you, then help us to reach others who might feel the same. We need your support to:

  • Cover election costs. To make sure our voice is heard in the General Election, we need to fund the costs required to put Antoinette on the ballot.
  • Maximise voter outreach. We want every voter in Hackney North and Stoke Newington to know there is an alternative, and a chance to use their vote in support of a fairer, greener future. Leaflets, letters, and online campaigns all cost money but help us reach more people. 

This July we have a critical opportunity to show the major political parties that Hackney voters care about the climate emergency, economic inequality and social justice.  

Please support our crowdfunder here.

Hackney North & Stoke Newington:
Antoinette Fernandez

Our candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Antoinette Fernandez is an activist and writer who stood for the Greens at the recent London Assembly Election in the North East constituency. She finished a close second in the De Beauvoir by-election, achieving the highest ever number of votes for a Green Party candidate in that ward.

Ms Fernandez said: "It is an honour to be chosen as the Green Party candidate for Hackney North & Stoke Newington. The surge in elected Greens across the country is a clear sign that voters want a party that does politics differently, and the next election is an opportunity to challenge the status quo in Hackney.

"The Green Party stands for social justice and the wellbeing of communities just as strongly as it stands for the environment. The Party has pragmatic, proven policies that can transform our country, and if elected I will deliver on those policies with the integrity and work ethic that the people of Hackney North & Stoke Newington deserve.

"We need to act on the housing crisis in Hackney to ensure that rental prices are fair. Renting in Hackney for over a decade I have witnessed first-hand the astronomical rise in rents that has pushed many of my friends out of Hackney. I know what it is to live in fear of your tenancy renewal date and I will push to implement radical housing reforms."

As MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, I will lobby for:

  • Rent Controls: reductions and caps.
  • Ensuring new developments in the borough solely prioritise affordable homes and social housing.
  • Protecting our NHS.
  • Practical action to tackle the energy and climate emergency, such as pushing Hackney council to fast-track the installation of solar panels on council-owned buildings. As well as protecting our green spaces and our River Lea.
  • Making Hackney safe for young and old alike. We must find ways to reform policing so that the Metropolitan Police serves the entire community.
  • Immediate ceasefires and support for humanitarian crises including those in the Congo, Sudan, and Haiti.

"If you believe that the time has come for a genuinely different approach that will help Hackney to thrive for everyone, please vote for me on 4th July”.


Find Antoinette on Instagram: @greenpartyantoinette

Find out more on Antoinette's website here

Hackney South & Shoreditch:
Laura-Louise Fairley

Our candidate for Hackney South and Shoreditch, Laura-Louise Fairley, works as the climate and sustainability lead for an international children’s charity and has worked for international humanitarian charities for the past fourteen years. Laura-Louise is active in her local community in Hackney and served as a Governor at Rushmore Primary School.

Laura-Louise said: "It is a joy and privilege to stand to represent my home constituency of Hackney South and Shoreditch – a culturally rich community that I love dearly. But so many of us have suffered at the hands of a government who has ignored its people. Beloved community members have been forced out of their neighbourhoods due to the housing crisis. Teachers are on the picket line, fighting for the most basic necessities for the children in their care. And doctors, nurses, and all hospital staff are saving lives in unfair and unsafe working conditions.

“We deserve real change – not only in leadership – but in societal values, hopes, and opportunities. The Green Party - and I as your candidate for Hackney South and Shoreditch - promise to bring compassion and integrity when representing you in Parliament, should you place your trust in us.

“We must not allow those in power to ignore the suffering of so many across our borough, city, and around the world. We cannot accept a government that prioritises power and privilege over people. With its dismissal of institutional racism, war crimes, biting poverty, and ecocide, our government truly has a broken moral compass.

“I stand to listen and speak out for the people of Hackney South and Shoreditch and to champion a new system of hope, equality, peace, and prosperity, holding the next government firmly to account.

“As MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch, I will advocate for:

  • Safer, drier, and warmer social homes. Residents in neglected estates must no longer be ignored. Nobody should ever have to live in a state of damp, mould, or disrepair.
  • Dignity for NHS staff and patients in our beloved Homerton Hospital and all other community health centres. Privatisation must end immediately.
  • Greater protections from abusive practices and unacceptable rent hikes for those living in private rental homes. Nobody should live in fear of eviction or be forced to succumb to harmful annual rent increases.
  • Protections of our green spaces and an end to the shocking abuses of our natural waterways, notably our precious River Lea, by Thames Water.
  • An immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the unconditional release of hostages, and the cessation of arms sales to all countries breaching international human rights laws globally.

Thank you for placing your trust in me as your truly local MP. It is a vote for integrity, courage, and hope.”