Hackney Greens call for inquiry into Labour councillor's election and resignation

The Green Group on Hackney Council is calling for an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Tom Dewey's resignation as Labour councillor for De Beauvoir in May 2022 and the subsequent by-election to fill the vacancy.


Group Leader Cllr Zoë Garbett said: "Tom Dewey resigned less than 2 weeks after being elected in May last year, with no statement from him or Hackney Labour to explain why. We have now learned from media reporting that he had been arrested in April 2022, before the Council elections, and has now been charged with serious offences.


"We recognise that the charges are subject to court proceedings and we make no comment on these. However, an independent inquiry is needed to establish what the Mayor, councillors and Hackney Labour knew about the circumstances surrounding Dewey's resignation and the fact of his arrest. Hackney residents were kept in the dark while they were voting in the Council elections and the subsequent by-election in De Beauvoir. It is also concerning that he attended the vote count for the May election, alongside others from Hackney Labour, while under police investigation.


"The Green Group will continue to press for full transparency from Hackney Labour and the Council administration."