Hackney Greens celebrate a great showing for Sian

Hackney Green Party are celebrating their best ever performance in the polls following the elections on May 5.

Voters have shown the Green Surge continues in the borough:

Hackney gave Mayoral candidate Sian Berry more votes than anywhere else in London – 10.2 per cent of the first preference and 32.7 per cent of the second preference votes. Sian came third in the mayor race overall.

The Greens also came second in the borough in both the List and the Constituency votes for the London Assembly, with a six per cent lead on the Tories in the constituency election.

They came second in both council by-elections, getting almost a quarter of the vote in Stoke Newington.

Samir Jeraj, our candidate for London North East said: "This is a great result for the Greens. On the doorstep people really connected with our plans to fix renting, clean up London's air and make our city a fairer place. It’s also shown voters are concerned about the environment and want to see green issues back on the political agenda."

Hackney Greens hope to build on their success between now and the 2020 General Election and will continue to campaign for a fairer, greener borough for Hackney residents.



Mayor vote: Sian Berry got 10.2% of First Preferences and 32.7% of Second Preferences in Hackney (these are the best results for Sian in London)

List Vote (Hackney): 15% for the Green Party (Second Place in Hackney)

Constituency vote (Hackney): 15.9% for Samir Jeraj (Second Place in Hackney)

Hackney Downs Byelection: 24% for Alastair Binnie-Lubbock (Second Place)

Stoke Newington Byelection: 21.5% for Halita Obineche (Second Place)

Source: London Elects and Hackney Council.