Donate to Hackney Green Party

Hackney Green Party members are hard at work all year round - campaigning on local issues, sweating over press releases, delivering leaflets and canvassing for support in forthcoming elections. 

Regardless of whether you are a party member or simply support what we're doing, donations are vital to our work in Hackney.

Have you considered becoming a monthly donor?

Please take a minute to read about becoming a monthly donor is the best way to support us - Become a Monthly Donor


One Time Donations

New! We've currently running our 2022 local elections crowd funding campaign - click here to support the campaign!

If you'd like to make a one-time donation, thank you! You can do so using the form below.

Here's where your money could go:

  • £5: You will provide canvassing packs for a team of door knockers.
  • £10: You will provide canvassing packs for a team of door knockers.
  • £25: This will pay for letters to voters in several streets.
  • £50: This can fund activists to travel to Hackney from other parts of London and the UK.
  • £100: Your generosity will pay for a staff member one day a week.
  • £250: This will pay for a leaflet for a whole ward.
  • £500: You will help fund a billboard campaign.

Every pound helps us get our message across and get more Greens elected. Please donate today.