Statement: Police Drug Swabbing in Shoreditch

Statement from Zoë Garbett, Green Party candidate for Mayor of Hackney, on recent police drug swabbing in Shoreditch:

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Green Assembly Member listens to Hackney Youth and challenges police stop and search 

Caroline Russell, one of the Green Party London Assembly Members, has challenged the police on their use of stop on search based solely on the smell of cannabis.

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Hackney Green Party By-Election Candidates Announced

Hackney Green Party have announced their candidates for the four by-elections taking place on 6th May 2021, profiles below.

It is essential that the majority Labour council in Hackney gets held to account with a real and active opposition. Vote Green if you want green.

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Speaking Out Against Nuclear Warheads

In March 2021 the Government said it would increase the number of UK warheads. The response from many people was to ask: ‘what’s the point?’. Nuclear warheads are unusable and also immoral. In January 2021 a UN Treaty banning nuclear weapons came into force.

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More Transparency Needed about the Hackney Data Hack

It has been five months since the Hackney Council computer systems were hacked and residents are still waiting for essential council services to get back online.

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Speak up for Ridley Villas residents

Hackney Green Party campaigner Augusta Itua has been working with current and former residents of the hostel to improve conditions. Concerns have been raised about Ridley Villas for years and an investigation by the Hackney Gazette in 2018 with the help of Green Party campaigner Dr Alex Armitage found overcrowded, damp, rodent-infested and squalid conditions inside the building. Conditions haven’t improved. 

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Open Letter: Sistah Space Venue Relocation

We have grown increasingly concerned with the situation regarding Sistah Space and the proposed relocation to their previous address in Clapton.

Today with the Hackney Women’s Equality Party and Hackney Liberal Democrats we have sent a joint letter to Mayor Philip Glanville seeking assurances that arrangements are in place to ensure we avoid the loss of this essential service for African and Caribbean women suffering from domestic abuse across Hackney and London and asking the following:

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Preventing a Climate and Ecological Catastrophe

We have repeatedly been told that we are asking too much too quickly to tackle the Climate Crisis, that drastic change is not possible, that we cannot so easily change human behaviour.

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Hackney Green Party Call for Cancellation of Covid Rent Arrears

Hackney Green Party is calling for the cancellation of rent debt for Hackney’s 34,000 private renters, many of whom have gone into arrears with their landlord because of reduced incomes during the Covid-19 lockdown period.
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Statement on General Election results

Hackney Green Party were disappointed by the general election result but vow to keep building their support in Hackney.

The Greens came third in Hackney North, but increased their vote share some the 2017 election by 4.1%. In Hackney South, the Greens came third, with a 2.1% increase in vote.

Alex Armitage, who stood in Hackney North and Stoke Newington said: “I'm disappointed that we didn't get a higher share of the vote which would have sent a strong message to Labour to keep taking the Climate Emergency seriously.

Now the election is over, I'm back at work this weekend as a doctor in a paediatric intensive care unit. Everyone here is frightened about the implications on the NHS of another five years of Conservative government.

Hackney has not been heard in this election. The voice of our community has been muffled by the first past the post voting system.

Our democracy is broken. First Past the Post has put Boris Johnson in number 10 and has drowned out the vital voices of the Greens and other parties from our politics. Just as we need a radical reform of our society to combat the Climate and Ecological Emergency, so do we need a change in our democracy to make everybody's voice heard.

Tyrone Scott, who stood in Hackney South and Shoreditch said: I am very proud of the result we have achieved in both Hackney North & South. We have an incredible team of dedicate volunteers who have worked so hard to ensure we retain our deposits and increase our vote shares.

 It was amazing to meet so many people in Hackney South and Shoreditch who were so supportive of our policies and were really glad to see our activists on the street. We keep building our support in Hackney and are already getting back to work on the London 2020 campaign.


Thank you to everybody involved and everybody who voted for helping us grow our presence across Hackney.”

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